January 2016 archive

Faith and fear cannot coexist

| Inspiration, Lettering

Today in church, I heard a talk based on this quote. This image came into my mind, and I rough-doodled it during the remainder of the talk. When I got home I redid it in color.

Materials used (this list contains affiliate links through Amazon Associates):

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Taking vinspiration to the next level

| Art, Creative process

I have a Pinterest board where I collect a whole bunch of fun vintage photographs (like the one above) from the middle of the 20th century. I call it my “vinspiration” board (vintage + inspiration = vinspiration). I’ve toyed with the idea of somehow using those photographs as inspiration for future artwork. But there are a lot of artists that do vintage-style ladies really well–Liana Hee, Brittney Lee, Gabby Zapata. I wasn’t sure I wanted to enter that big of a pool when I’m just dabbling at getting my feet wet with a nice creative wade.

Then lightning struck my brain! I’m really good at sketching kitties. Why not make all the “girls” be vintage-inspired fancy kitties dressed up? It just might work. So this little gal is my first one in what I hope will be a long-lived series of fancy kitties.

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